Sunday 2 April 2017

Benin City: A Labyrinthine of e-commerce

E-commerce has emerged as a veritable tool which many use in transacting their businesses. There are netpreneuers and entrepreneur who rely heavily on the vehicle of e-commerce to transfer their goods and service to the end user.

Despite it wide spread use amongst several persons in the business class, there are peculiar struggles that has continued to militate against the seamless involvement of engaging in e-commerce. Some of these challenges are prompted by the end user , while most of it, are based on the location of certain netpreneuers and entrepreneurs.

In virtually or most e-commerce transactions, there are three parties involved. Though, there are exceptions. For those that deal with online stores, there is Jumia or Konga, amongst others. There are people who own their stores on these sites, and when an end user or a buyer finds a product of interest, Jumia or Konga becomes a facilitator of the transaction, depending on the location of the seller and the buyer. 

Most times, delivery is done primarily by the seller on a pay on delivery basis at which point the buyer pays to the online store, which then remits it to the seller on a commission.

Where it gets complicated at times, is when the location of both the buyer and seller are different or put in another way when they are far apart from each other.

In that instance, the situation is left to the seller to resolve. Especially, when an e-commerce site doesn't have a designated place for pick-up of goods. Something that is not available in key cities. It is left to the seller to incur the cost of delivering the goods to the buyer, where he or she is. When the cost of sending the goods becomes higher than the price of the goods, it becomes difficult to go ahead with such a transaction. Though, buyers pay for the delivery cost in the normal cause of business.

It doesn't end there, in a situation where the buyer isn't satisfied with the goods, it has to be sent back to the seller, a cost they most likely would incur themselves.

Most buyers in the hinterland prefer home deliveries except those that are desperate to get the goods. They usually go to pick up locations to get it themselves.

In a place like Benin City, none of the major online stores or e-commerce site has a pick up location.(Something has gradually changed) Some of them have logistic companies that are either not reliable or plain incompetent. 

Most times, orders outside the city are not delivered on time whenever the buyer is at a location that the logistic company doesn’t frequent always, for this reason, the logistic company would want to stock up enough goods so that they can deliver it all at once at a location to save cost, but to the detriment of the seller, who loses the benefits of getting his or her goods delivered on time, which would have prompted early payment.

Besides, for an entrepreneur in places like the Edo State capital that relies heavily on e-commerce sites to sell goods, chances are about 80% of interested buyers would end up being from other cities particularly Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt. And most times most inquiries comes from Lagos.
Most sellers have had to change the location to read Lagos on this site, when they don't reside anywhere near it.

It is easier for an entrepreneur using an online store in Lagos to get goods to a buyer. One, the availability of pick up locations, makes it easier for the seller to drop off goods without incurring further cost. While, it is now left for the buyer to go pick up the goods. 

Home delivery in such places doesn't always become the labyrinthine it is in some cities. 
And thirdly, there is virtually no logistics company whether reliable or not that doesn't have an office in Lagos. This is the stuff of dreams for any person that is involved in e-commerce.

A seller can get a lot of inquiries for it products in an online store, but if the means to deliver it to the buyer is not straightforward or readily available, that transaction is already off before it started.
Another thing is that location usually determines whatever additional cost both parties might incur if it beyond the cost of the goods.

As a result of scenarios like this, some persons that find themselves in such situation in Benin City, have had to make separate arrangement with logistics companies outside the designated ones of the online stores which lacks the wide spread reach needed for e-commerce transactions.

However, the challenges of such arrangement can be enormous. One, the price of the logistics company can become so high that it makes a seller's effort counterproductive.

At other times, there could be an arrangement with a private driver in a transport company to deliver the goods to the buyer. This again is frost with dangers. 

This writer was privy to a seller who gave her goods to a driver to deliver from Benin City to a buyer in Enugu. The goods were delivered. And the transaction being payment on delivery, the money was handed to the driver; cost of delivery was also paid. Note here that the buyer got to know of the availability of the product on an e-commerce site.

The buyer a woman contacted the seller that she had received and paid the driver, and she was satisfied with the goods. 

The driver called the seller on this development. Then things started going south. First the driver's phone line suddenly stopped connecting. His line didn't connect for up to five days after he had long delivered it. The buyer had to go to the transport company to look for the driver. She eventually saw him. His excuse was that he lost his phone and he had to travel to other locations. But he handed the money over to the seller. This was after one week.

Despite the challenges of e-commerce transactions, there are still aspects that are seamless. When for instance, both buyer and seller reside in Benin City, there is no delivery cost needed. Both parties can meet at a location of their choice and trash out a transaction.

This is becoming common with some e-commerce sites. But largely, sites like olx and Jiji, which are open for individuals to put up their goods for sale whether they are brand new or fairly used. 

Most times it involves parties in the same locations. So such transactions don’t involve the labyrinth of having to send a product outside a city. And the sites, though similar to the main online stores are different.

For all the challenges of being involved in e-commerce, whether induced by location or other indices, the most difficult party in e-commerce transactions are the buyers. 

On several occasions, you hear sellers complain about how goods are sent to a buyer in far flung locations, only for the buyer's mobile line to suddenly stop going, and the goods couldn’t be delivered as a result. Other instances involves; where the buyer turns down the goods for one flimsy reason. When this happens, the goods are returned at an additional cost to the seller.

This is not to say that there are not unscrupulous sellers. While there is always an advisory for buyers to see the goods they are purchasing before paying for it, which has made home delivery popular.

Plus there are pictures of the goods available on these online stores, some buyers have ended up being swindled. Like a buyer who got what looked like a padded carton when he ordered for a television. And she made his order through an online store.

It doesn't end there, the online stores, themselves, have made it even difficult for sellers to reap tangible benefit through the medium they provide by arbitrarily increasing commissions that sellers have to pay. Some have had to close or put their store on break altogether because they couldn't cope.
The high cost of some of these goods on some online stores is so, because the seller who have to pay a percentage of it to the owners, and added to that, they are imported goods.

Aside that, some e-commerce sites unfairly determine the stores they chose to drive traffic to, even those with a lesser price for their goods don’t always get such benefit. 

Though, there is the availability of paid advert to drive traffic to a store, for some reason, those that are not on that scale have different levels of traffic to their stores for no particular reason other than that determined by the e-commerce site. 

Some online stores can be low on traffic, but suddenly the traffic would pick up, and the seller would start getting orders from buyers. Not that the seller did anything different before this happened. But the e-commerce site had a trick up their sleeves. A trick best known to them.

E-commerce has attained a crescendo that many no longer go to regular market places or stores to buy certain things, they order it online. But for those that get their goods delivered to them in one piece without any hassle, they won't appreciate the challenges most operators of online stores on e-commerce site go through to get their goods to the end user.

It has become a mine field for many, that they have had to hold back, and the larger economic challenge has not helped many to continue operating, because most of their goods are imported. And most online sellers, would tell you, getting the goods isn't always the issue, but paying for it to be delivered to you. Because, delivery could be costlier than the goods, though this is not always the case.

For a city like Benin, besides the peculiar challenges of e-commerce, there are others brought about by the fact that it is the Edo State capital, and that is not expected to change anytime soon.


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