Friday 26 February 2016

The Gospel According To Fulani Herdsmen

Literally gospel according to the Concise English Dictionary means the teaching or the revelation of Christ or the record of Christ’s life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. 

There is also the gospel truth; something that is absolutely true. So it does not often come as a surprise that when the phrase ‘the gospel according to’ is used in a sentence, a biblical discernible person will quickly averts his or her mind to the aforementioned gospel of the opening books of the New Testament. 

However, good as that is with the different books, the gospel according to Fulani herdsmen has a rather complicated network of different books and chapters that leaves all who have been at the centre of their nefarious activities with bouts of snafu-ish nightmare, and that is for those who have been lucky enough to survive their menace. 

They have become a pest that has continually defiled pesticide. From the greenery of Benue to the plains of Taraba, and the forest reserves and farms of Edo, they kill, rape and destroy farm lands with impunity like a set of outlaws that are laws unto themselves.
For this, the gospel according to Fulani herdsmen takes the shape of the following volume of five books here.
            The Destruction of Farmlands

Fulani herdsmen are nomads that move around with their cattles, and this movement is common place in the dry season when the vegetation in the North is low which inevitably results in movement to the south which has more vegetation for their cattle, but these cattles do not just feed on vegetation by the road side, rather they end up in people’s farms destructing cash and commercial crops without regard for the efforts that these farmers have put into planting these crops. 

In January this year, hundreds of such cattles invaded a forest reserve and farm settlement in Uhunmwonde Local government Area of Edo State, these cattles destroyed plantains, ate all the yams that were harvested and left at some farm huts in these farms, and they practically destroyed what they met on their path. 

These led to the premature harvest of some of these crops from the few the farmers could savage. A common trend amongst these Fulani herdsmen is that they leave these cattles to wander around people’s farms while they disappear from site. Any attempt to inquire from them for these acts of agricultural sabotage is most times met with aggression which often leads to dead. 
All over the country especially in some of the North Central states, Fulani herdsmen destroys farm lands, and when they are challenged in return, they end up burning houses and driving away people from their homes. After their act of destruction, they suddenly disappear from site.

·        Possession of Firearms and dangerous weapons.

A common trend with Fulani herdsmen is that they always bear knifes and arrows. What is even strange is not the fact that they do this openly, but the fact that those that defend this, often claim that their possession of these weapons is part of their culture of dressing. 

However, culture of dressing all not, it’s the fact that they have used these weapons to send persons to their untimely grave just because, they had the temerity to ask them to leave their farms.

However, bearing of knifes is and has gradually become rather archaic. They now bear sophisticated firearms that some of Nigeria’s security agents cannot boast off.  

On February 7, 2016, a group of vigilante accosted two Fulani herdsmen in the Ikpoba Hill axis of Benin City, there were not with any cattle, but in their possession were two double barrel guns. Their defence was that they use it for hunting.

In a country where possession of firearms is to be illegal without the necessary permits, it should beat anybody hollow that some group of persons could openly bear firearms as if we are in a society without laws. 

And that is practically what plays out all over the place. You see a Fulani herdsman with his herd of cattle in front, with a gun and knife, and you begin to wonder, whether this is not a scene from 18th Century Wild West.  And it is the same firearms and weapons they use in killing and maiming unsuspecting members of the society.

Which begs the question, how do they come about these weapons? In a country where there are so many questions where you cannot find direct answers, such inquiry is better left to the realm of imaginations, because it always a case of seeing less, whenever you try to look more as far as certain questions begging for answers in Nigeria is concerned.
     Killings, Kidnappings, Robbery and Rape

The number of persons that have died from the activities of Fulani herdsmen cannot be quantified, especially when you consider the fact that the death of persons here is treated like a set of numbers rather than a genuine feel that a life or lives have been lost. 

Throughout the farm settlements of Ovia North East and Ovia South West Local Government Areas of Edo State and many other places throughout the country, women have been continually raped in their farms. 

There was a case of a woman, whose husband was hacked to death in their farm by some of group of Fulani herdsmen, while they also raped the woman there. 

Just in January, 2016, two brothers in Ovia North East went to farm, one of them left the other to go home, unfortunately for the other one, he met some Fulani herdsmen who had just kidnapped somebody and they were moving to their hideout in the bush. They shot him, and left him for death, he bled for two hours before his brother returned. In his dying declaration, he told his brother what happened. That man was in tears when he spoke live on radio. 

That was a Nigerian living a peaceable life by farming and tending to himself, yet his life was cut short by these agents of destruction. Throughout most of the farm settlements in Edo South, there is now a palpable fear from farmers especially women, who would rather stay at home than go to farm.

A person known to this writer, narrated how his neighbour went to his farm in the last quarter of 2015, and he saw group of Fulani herdsmen bearing AK 47 rifles. That man has not gone to that farm ever since, and he confessed that it was God that saved him. 

You have to ask yourself sometimes, what is wrong? Farms in Forest reserves used to be some of the most pristine places for farmers to hide away from the society while they tend to their crops, but many of these places have become so dangerous because of the activities of Fulani herdsmen.

There were times during 2014 and 2015 when a gang of Fulani herdsmen continually robbed passengers along the Benin-Auchi Highway by Ehor. They would abandon their cattles, and at certain time of the day, would rob several passengers traveling in buses to the Northern part of the State or country. When they were eventually caught after police set up surveillance, they were all Fulani herdsmen.

·        Environmental Nuisance

It is common place for these herdsmen to move with their cattles at night. But these cattle leave in their trail all manner of environmental nuisance with the faeces they defecate all over the place. 

At times, it can be so bad that you would be looking for a spot to put your foot when walking pass certain places. 

Besides that, these herdsmen sometimes leave their herd of cattle in the compound of individuals. 

A couple of years ago in the Uselu quarters of Benin at Medical Stores Road, a man suddenly woke up to sounds and lights of moving objects in his compound, a spiraling compound measuring 100 feet by 200 feet, when he got out from his house, he discovered several number of cattles ravaging the compound of eight flats, it is a fenced house, with gates, yet they found their way in. they messed up the entire place. 

And yet despite the fact that the cattles where in the compound, the Fulani herdsmen were nowhere to be found. 

They eventually showed up, and the 
inhabitants of the compound woke up that night, immediately the herdsmen saw them, they took their heels, and the cattle as if working on a remote followed their master in running out of the compound. 

Unknown to those in the compound, there were six other cattles somewhere in the compound that did not run out, it was little surprise therefore that some group of persons showed up in the morning to ask for these cattles. These are the principals of these Fulani herdsmen.  

Although, these cattles were eventually released to them, it was on the condition that they were never to bring the animals to those parts any longer.

The list of experience is endless for many that have been at the receiving end of these activities. All over the place, it is a signature of cattle faeces when you walk through your neighbourhood and in major roads during the dry season.
            They Are Above The Law?

Many of these Fulani herdsmen that have been caught and arrested end up being released. And police officers will sometimes confide off the record that their hands are tied most times when it comes to dealing with the menace of these Fulani herdsmen. 

Except few that have met their death at the hands of security personnel, they are often left off the hook. In short, there are times; police do not like taking reports concerning the activities of Fulani herdsmen, because to them, their efforts most times end in futility in trying to investigate such matters. 

This is why there is a reticence on the part of the police to treat these matters with the seriousness it deserves.

Do this people operate within their own set of rules? The situation is such that what is applicable to other members of the society seem not to be applicable to them. 

These Fulani herdsmen are not direct owners of these cattles; rather they are agents to an affluent principal somewhere. It is this principal that pulls all the stunts to see that they are released whenever they are arrested for a crime.  Though there are admittedly bad eggs amongst them who embark on a frolic of their own.

Nigeria should practically be the only country in the world where herdsmen are allowed to wander about with cattles in the open across people’s farmlands, neighbourhood and build up areas at night and so on. 

There have been continuous talk of setting up ranches as it is done in most advanced countries in the world, yet as is mostly the case about so much talk, nothing has been done to make it work. And as a result, the Fulani herdsmen continue to wreak havoc through their various gospels of destruction.

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